CrossFit Eglinton

Nutrition Workshops

Exercise and workouts are only one component of your fitness and performance. Nutrition is also a huge component that many people overlook. What you put in your body before-and-after a workout, when you eat, how much and how often you eat, what foods you pair together, and the list goes on. Food is fuel for your engine and sometimes you need to engage the help of an expert mechanic to fine tune that machine. The name of our chief mechanic (Sports Dietitian) is Ben Sit, RD. And he builds lean machines that go FAST!


Each month Ben presents a different relevant issue in his Nutrition Workshop series. They cover a wide variety of topics including:

  • Performance Nutrition
  • Paleo & CrossFit Nutrition
  • Sports Supplements & Ergogenics
  • Nutrition for Endurance Events
  • Pre/post workout nutrition
  • The Truth about Macronutrients
  • Age Specific Nutritional Needs
  • The Vegetarian Athlete
  • Nutritional Needs for Physical Activity in the Heat

If you would like to learn more about out Nutrition Workshop series or be notified of the next presentation, please contact us at and we will be happy to keep you in the loop. The workshops are usually cost a nominal fee but are well worth the money and knowledge you will leave with. The presentation lasts about an hour with a question and answer period to ask those burning questions that you’ve never been able to get a straight answer for.

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