Week 16: Apr 16-22
This week we really focus on our BIG lifts with our strength portions, which include: back squats, floor presses and “Z” presses. The focus will be on quality movement. This week’s programming also includes lots of variety starting off with a classic 21,15,9 couplet Monday, an EMOM Wednesday and a long chipper Thursday. The weekend includes 100 reps of 5 movements, which is sure to make you sweat, and a partner WOD set up for you on Sunday. Hope to see everyone this week giving your all.
MON – Apr 16
Back Squats: 10-8-6-4-2
* Increasing weight. 10 per leg weighted high step up after each set and rest 2 minutes.
Back squats (135/95)
Toes to Bar
TUE – Apr 17
3 rounds
500m Row Sprint
* Rest 2 minutes.
5 rounds
12 Single Leg Dead-lift (R)
12 Single Leg Dead-lift (L)
12 Lunge landmine (R)
12 Lunge landmine (L)
24 kettlebell swings
WED – Apr 18
Floor presses 10-8-6-4-2
* Increasing weight each set. 10 Push ups after each set and rest 2 min.
20 min EMOM
Odd: 2 Dead-lifts and 2 Thrusters (135/95)
Even: 15 Burpees
THU – Apr 19
Skill / Strength
12 minutes of pistol squat practice and progessions.
10 Power Cleans (95/65)
20 Front squats
30 Pull-ups
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Med ball slams (20/14)
40 Box Jumps
30 Pull-ups
20 Front squats
10 Power Cleans
FRI – Apr 20
“Z” presses: 10-8-6-4-2
* Increasing weight each set. Performing 10 bungee reverse fly after each set and rest 2 minutes.
10 rounds
2 minute: Bike/Run/Row
9 Leg Raises
15 TRX rows
SAT – Apr 21
100 Wall balls
100 Sumo Dead-lift High pull(95/65)
100 Cal row
100 Weighted step ups (total)
100 triangle push ups
SUN – Apr 22
Partner WOD
3 rounds
40 barbell back Lunges
40 Burpee
40 alternating Dumbbell Snatches (40/25)
40 cal AB
* One partner works at a time and divided equally.