Week 30: July 23-29
Hello everyone and welcome back. This week for our lower body lifts we will be performing a heavy sumo deadlift on Monday and heavy barbell back lunges on Wednesday. Please chose form and technique OVER WEIGHT. Our upper body strength portions will focus on both strict or negative pull ups and strict military press. We have a fun partner wod set up for you on Wednesday and the classic seven set up for you on Saturday. Hope to see everyone ready to rock their workouts this week!
MON – Jul 23
Sumo Deadlift: 5-5-5-5
* Rest and work on mobility in between sets.
For time:
1-10 Goblet squat (1/2 BW)
10-1 Bench press (135/95)
* Perform 5 push ups and 15 sit ups after each set.
TUE – Jul 24
Strict pull-ups: 10-10-10
OR Negative chin-ups: 5-5-5-5 (4-5 seconds on eccentric movement)
* 2 min double under practice after each set.
20-min AMRAP
20 Wall balls
20 TRX row
20 push up
20 TRX Pike
20 cal Row
WED – Jul 25
Barbell back lunges: 5-5-5-5
* Perform 10 crab walks each direction in between sets.
Partner WOD
- Partner A performs 50 KB swings while Partner B holds a Hanging knee raise. Switch. If hanging knee raise is broken, perform 5 burpees each before continuing.
- Partner A performs 50 box jumps while Partner B holds a 45lb/25lb plate overhead. Switch.
If the overhead position is broken perform 5 burpees each before continuing. - Partner A performs 50 Sit-ups while Partner B holds the bottom of a Squat. Switch.
If the squat position is broken perform 5 burpees each before continuing.
THU – Jul 26
Strict Military press: 10-10-10-10
Barbell bent-over row: 10-10-10-10
Bulgarian split squat
Single leg deadlifts
* 10 banded clam shells after completing each set.
FRI – Jul 27
Strict toes to bar or specialized drills: 10-10-10-10
Single arm landmine shoulder press: 10-10-10-10
5 man makers
750m row
10 man makers
500m row
15 man makers
250m row
SAT – Jul 28
The “Seven” Benchmark Workout
Seven rounds for time of:
7 push-ups
7 Thruster (DB)
7 Knees to elbows
7 Deadlift
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings,
7 Pull-ups
SUN – Jul 29
Cal AB
Front rack walking lunges
wall balls
Cal Row