CrossFit Eglinton

Weekly Workouts

Week 36: Sep 3-9

Happy Labour day weekend everyone. This week we start Monday off (AKA International Chest Day) with one bench press followed by an intensive aerobic WOD. Tuesday we focus on Overhead squats to enhance our technique. Wednesday we tackle “Diane”, which will involve some handstand push up technique. Friday we have a fun variation of fight gone bad. For Saturday we are revisiting a fun partner WOD and many mini AMRAPs for Sunday. Hope to see everyone this week working hard!

MON – Sep 3


Bench press: 10,8,6,4
* Ring or bench dips in between sets.
* Take 60-90 rest when reaching heavy sets.


2000m row
1 run around block

TUE – Sep 4


Overhead squat: 10,8,6,4
* Mobility specific to movement in between sets.
* Take 60-90 sec rest in between sets.


9-min AMRAP
20 Single arm DB overhead walking lunges (switching at 10) (45,30)
18 Sit-ups
20 Burpees
18 Overhead squats

WED – Sep 5

DIANE Benchmark Workout

deadlift (225/155)
Handstand push-ups


5 rounds
5 BB rolls-outs
30-sec plank

THU – Sep 6


Front squat: 5-5-5-5
* Perform 10 per leg single leg deadlifts in between each set.
* Take 60-90 sec rest in between heavy sets.
* Movement specific mobility in between sets.


10-min AMRAP
5 per side db snatches (50,30)
5 db thrusters
5 pull ups
200m AB

FRI – Sep 7


3 rounds:
1-min: Burpees
1-min: Ball slams
1-min: Deadlifts (95/75)
1-min: Medball sit-ups
1-min: Hang power cleans (95/75)
3-min rest

SAT – Sep 8

Strength / Technique

15-min to Reach your heaviest Turkish get up.

Partner WOD

  • Partner A performs 50 KB swings while Partner B holds a Hanging knee raise. Switch. If hanging knee raise is broken, perform 5 burpees each before continuing.
  • Partner A performs 50 box jumps while Partner B holds a 45lb/25lb plate overhead. Switch. If the overhead position is broken perform 5 burpees each before continuing.
  • Partner A performs 50 Sit-ups while Partner B holds the bottom of a Squat. Switch. If the squat position is broken perform 5 burpees each before continuing.

SUN – Sep 9


6-min AMRAP
200m AB
25 Airsquats
Rest 2-min

6-min AMRAP
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups
Rest 2-min

6-min AMRAP
200m row
1/2 lap walking lunges
Rest 2-min

6-min AMRAP
25 Wall balls
15 Push-ups
Rest 2-min

6-min AMRAP
25 Box Jumps
20 Mountain climbers
Rest 2-min

25 KB Deadlift
20 Sit-ups